The Looking Within Center “Reset”
A monthly mini-retreat designed to foster an inner lens that sees the Divine in all things and all people. “Reset” your journey as you grow closer to God, yourself, and others.
Registration deadline: Wednesday, February 5
Session Fee: There is no cost for this session.
Time: Register below for the session(s) you’ll attend:
This month’s theme: “Being Home with Divine Flow: Contemplative Self-Care for Body, Mind, and Spirit
Our bodies, minds, and souls experience an abundance of information daily. We hear stories and interact with others in ways that are of personal, community, global, and cosmic significance. Have you made time for yourself, your true Self, in this ocean of activity?
Contemplative self-care offers a body-mind-spirit approach for health and well-being. This interactive workshop provides an overview of daily self-care practices and how to create personalized routines that optimize physical energy, mental clarity, emotional balance, intuitive decision making, and spiritual awakening. (Note: Please bring a journal as you are invited to write down a daily routine to use at home.)
Dr. Dawn Jacobson, MD is a board-certified integrative medicine physician, musician, labyrinth walk facilitator, and yoga teacher. She delights in creating sacred events that enliven your body, clear your mind, expand your heart, and bring joy to your spirit. She sees patients in-person and online through MN Women’s Care, Woodbury, MN. Contact Julie Stevens, The Looking Within Center Director, with questions. Mark your calendar for the upcoming Resets, all on Saturdays with separate sign ups: March 8 – April 5
Hourly Schedule
- 8:15 - 8:45
- Morning Meditation(Fireside Room)
- A meditative beginning to the day guided by Cheri Dirksmeyer
- 8:45 - 9:00
- Morning Stretch (Fireside Room)
- An embodied and accessible morning stretch prayer guided by Dr. Dawn Jacobson
- 9:00 - 9:30
- Breakfast (LWC)
- 9:30 - 11:00
- Large Group Time (LWC)